God Has Entrusted Us


God has entrusted to be a Giver of Care for our loved one.  He/she i into our capable hands.  Whew!  He has ENTRUSTED us!  That statement alone can change one’s perspective.  As incapable as we may feel, He will provide the strength we need.  All we need to do is ask for His help, rather than relying on our own limited power.


Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with al your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 


Trust Him…. Does that mean I have to stop focusing on me and how unfair life is right now?  I know that left to my own devices, I can be self-centered.  I can get bothered by the inconvenience of caring for my parents, and then I feel guilty.   I don’t think that is what God had in mind when He entrusted me with my parents’ care.  However, even the mundane tasks of caregiving can become spiritual experiences for us and our loved ones.  Transforming our hearts; transforming our loved one’s life.


While your work as a caregiver is vitally important, don’t make the mistake of defining yourself by the services you perform. Instead, ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you and focus on the fact that you are a child of God being the hands and feet of Christ for another one of His children.  Ask Him to help you understand how your caregiving fits into His overall purpose for your life. Place your trust in the fact that God’s grace will always be there to give you the help you need.

Let your love for God flow into all areas of your life, especially this most important duty of caregiving.  Try thanking God for the opportunity to be HIS hands and feet for one of HIS children.   When my dad was alive, battling Alzheimer’s, I didn’t do this.  But with my mom and her dementia, I am able to thank God for our times together.  I have a much better attitude with my mom than I did with my dad.  Coincidence?  I think not.  It seems that this time around I have added gratitude and increased prayer time to my arsenal.


God’s message is spread through God’s children.  We, as caregivers, are His children, providing loving care to another one of His children.  We are furthering His kingdom when we provide vital care for someone in need.  What greater honor can there be?


I pray that God can help me keep this focus, rather than focusing on how tired and/or inconvenienced I am.  By asking God to help me keep this focus, then I know I can do it.  And while I’m at it, I can pray for all the other millions of Givers of Care out there as well.  We need to help each other!

Author: Martha Jocis

Martha is an educator, author, editor and consultant. She has spent the last 10 years taking care of aging family members and as a result, has learned a great deal through first hand experience. Going from caring for little ones to caring for the aging, Martha has a compassion for helping others.